A battle has been raging for some time now over millions of aliens who have entered this country illegally. Significantly, most are from south of the Mexican border. Regardless of where they come from, they are criminals who scoff at the laws of the United States. Probably most feel no loyalty to this country. They represent a clear threat to our national security, still, the enemies of America in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House call for amnesty and a path to citizenship for this outlaw class that has recently had the audacity to take to the streets to demand that amnesty.

From what I’ve seen, anti-Amnesty forces base their opposition to amnesty on jobs lost to Americans, driving the earnings of many Americans down by making available cheap labor for corporations, and the swelling of the welfare roles by these illegals. All opponents miss the most important factor of all, probably because they aren’t even aware of it.

Amnesty is Treason!!! A map and plan copyrighted and published in Philadelphia in 1942 showed the world as planned by the global elite. It was received by the Library of Congress in February of ’42 and entered its map collection in March. The detail and intricacies suggest that it was compiled or at least well underway before the Pearl Harbor attack.

The map and plan can be found here:
Double-click to enlarge.

What should be of particular interest to Americans, in fact, to all the peoples of the world, are the S.S.R.’s shown on the map. We were told Eastern Europe was ceded to the Soviets at Yalta by a “sick” Roosevelt. As shown here, it was already planned well in advance, not in Moscow, but in Philadelphia. Not all of the SSR’s were accomplished, but too many were and were held in bondage until needed to make the European Union a viable regional superstate.

Of even more significance to Americans is the “United States of America” as shown on the map. It encompasses all of North and Central America.  NAFTA and CAFTA were probably the first visible moves in that direction just as the Common Market was the first step toward the European Union. The next step was the meeting of the heads of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico (Bush, Martin, and Fox) to form a North American Union. Heavy exposure and opposition generated on the Internet forced them underground, but you can bet the plan is still in progress beneath the surface. You’ll find an excellent expose’ on the NAU from a Canadian political party copied and pasted here.

This is where treason enters the picture. The hoards of illegals from south of the border will create a fifth column that will ease the merger of the U.S. with Mexico and, eventually, Central America.

The issue is not the loss of jobs, nor cheap labor for corporations, nor the draining of welfare funds to support the illegals. The issue is the loss of our national sovereignty and what is left of the tattered remains of our Constitution. Those bringing this about would, in saner times, be considered traitors. They should be now.  AMNESTY IS TREASON!!!




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